5575 Riverside Street, Abbotsford, British Columbia V4X 1W9, Canada
Phone: 604-300-5287

Website: http://www.waterproofsystems.ca/

About the Business:
Spray Coating for damp proofing has been around for a very long time!  Many companies still use the old technology of spraying tar which is not only an ineffective method of damp proofing a foundation but is harmful to the environment.  PR Waterproof Systems uses a water based damp proofing spray that provides a permanent water barrier on foundation walls that cures in seconds, it is odorless and non-toxic (no VOC’s)!   In BC, a minimum of damp proofing spray is required by code for underground foundations (basements, other living space).  PR Waterproof Systems offers different options (approved & CCMC), call us anytime regarding your application, we will offer you a free consultation right over the phone.


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